Thursday, December 20, 2007


Finally finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I know....i a bit slow..Well, my excuse is that i just bought the book :p i felt it was a bit draggy sometimes....too much bickering and plot dragging but in the end, i thought it wrapped up pretty well ( i would nitpick on certain things i don't like about it but oh least it was good). I have to say its not the best Potter book but still a worthwhile read. I think it was a fitting swansong for the Potter novels. Cheers to J.K Rowling for bringing 'The Boy Who Lived' into our lives. (3.5 stars/5)

Rena just said i should give 'I am Legend' a skip. Still considering it. I'll decided when i go buy the movie tickets. ...*yawn* Think i slept too much today. Wish it was snowing...makes it more Chrismassy...


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